Audio Recordings of Talks on Buddhism
This page has audio recordings of some talks I had with my teacher Gudo Nishijima. You're
welcome to download these for your personal use.
Hands During Zazen

I asked Nishijima Roshi a question about where to place our hands when we do Zazen. He said the main point about our
hands during zazen is that the upper part of our hands
(our thumbs) should be in front of the navel. Some
people do this by placing their hands on their upper
foot when they are sitting. Other people do it by just
holding their hands in front of the navel without
placing them on their foot at all. He says it depends
on each person's physical characteristics. He also
said it's good to switch the upper and lower leg or
just move our legs a bit if they go numb while we're
doing zazen.
Download Hands Talk